Friday, January 11, 2008

Reading material that's easy

Children coming to the Pierce Library looking for books often tell me they need to get a book that's hard to read. "This looks too easy," is a common comment. Or from a first or second grader, "I only read chapter books." Parents, too, often tell teachers they want the books their children choose to be "challenging." It is natural for parents to want to push their children onto the next level up. However, current research from reading guru Richard Allingham informs us of what we now know about proficient readers. They have all read tons of stuff that's easy for them. Reading books below one's reading level builds fluency and confidence. Reading books on one's own, for a child, should be like eating popcorn. Even as adults, not many of us are toting War and Peace to the beach. So if your above average reading child comes home with a book that seems way too easy, encourage him/her to enjoy it.


Alex Barrett said...

I'm pretty sure my son was among the first and second graders that balked at reading books that were too easy, and at first I didn't understand why Pierce was discouraging him from reading books at or above his reading level. I now see where you're coming from and totally agree that reading should be "like eating popcorn" -- too a point. Sure, reading should be enjoyable first and foremost, but part of enjoyment is intellectual discovery, and if a child is consistently reading books that don't challenge them, they won't get that thrill that comes with learning something new, or pushing yourself a little past where you thought you could go. I also think that Pierce's policy of discouraging the younger grades from borrowing chapter books fails to take advantage of kids' inherently competitive nature. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with kids competing for who's read the most Nancy Drew mysteries...

Ms. Hamilton and Ms. Sicard said...

Joan Hamilton writes: Thanks for your comment. You bring up an interesting dilemma. The trouble with first/second graders becoming competitive about who has read the most Nancy Drews is that there are most likely only a few who can actually read (or at least decode) Nancy Drew. The others may be able to read the title and some of the text, but will still be drawn into the "competition" and feel that picture books are now babyish. We at Pierce have seen this happen, with an entire second grade one year claiming that they would only read chapter books. Teachers noted that most of the kids were carrying around big books they couldn't read or perhaps could decode but not understand, simply for the cachet. Our solution has been to keep first and second graders in easy chapter books and picture books for several reasons: 1. There is a greater chance that children will be reading at their developmental level 2. There are many picture books written at least 4th, 5th grade level for those who can handle "hard". 3. They will be reading more difficult chapter books for the rest of their school career; this is a time to enjoy and celebrate picture books 4. We wish to avoid the competition you speak about. 5. If a child really is 'ready for more difficult books, that child's parents can take him/her to the public library.

Jenna Goodearl said...

From a second and third grade teachers'point of view...
We wonder what's the rush to read chapter books? The research is clear that children should be reading easy or just right books when reading independently. At this time, unlike when we were in school, there is an awesome selection of powerfully rich literature/picture books that are developmentally appropriate. They are written at a level which allows children to appreciate the humor and or dilemas of the characters.
We definitely do not support competitive reading. It seeems to us that it would encourage a lot of superficial reading and our goal is to help children who will become life long lovers of reading.
Ginny Carroll/3rd grade teacher
Jenna Goodearl/2nd grade teacher